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Showroom DIY 2DOF wiper motors

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by jfbegot, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. jfbegot

    jfbegot New Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    Sete, France
    +3 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Frame: welded steel tube
    Motors: 12V wiper motors
    Electronic: VNH2SP30 (monster moto clone) + Arduino
    Power supply: 12V 30A (less should be OK)

    The motors: car wiper motors.
    I bought used Peugeot 206 motor and frame because I the axis of these motors is special (grooved and conical end). I I re-used some of the linkage.
    In a first time I thought that one motor per axis should be enough but finally I did put two motors per axis.

    Caution!: the negative is earthed in these motors. You have to open, cut the wire connected to the frame and output a wire connected to the negative.
    Caution (again): these are two speed motors choose the good one. I don't know wich I used but one works better than the other.

    The electronics:
    I used one VNH2SP30 driver per motor drived by an arduino UNO (any type of Arduino should work).

    The code:
    I wrote my own PID control and comunication protocol.

    ... To be continued

    Attached Files:

  2. jfbegot

    jfbegot New Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    Sete, France
    +3 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Some pictures and the code:

    P_20180901_195343.jpg P_20180902_120843.jpg P_20180902_120915.jpg P_20180902_120952.jpg P_20180902_121037.jpg

    Now the code (Without any guarantee that it is going to work)

     *Drive two DC motors at a specific position detected by two potentiometers
     *The position is controlled by PID
     *I has been designed to work with two VNH2SP30 drivers but should work with others drivers with ENABLE and PWM inputs.
     *Serial communication: 115200, 8bits, No parity
     *Only ASCII characters:  *<command>numerical value<not numerical character>
     *<command>: can be:
     *  L or R for left axis or right axis
     *  P to set max PWM value (to be used during tuning but you can do what you want)
     *numerical value: 0 to 255
     *<not numerical character>: any character other than 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
     *Wiring: see below
     *Tuning: if you want to change KP, KI, KD be aware that calculations are made in int (to avoid slow float math calculations).
     *So: overflows can occur with high values of KP, KI, KD
    //Pin definitions
    #define POTLEFTPIN A4
    #define POTRIGHTPIN A5
    //Motor 1 pin definitions
    #define INA1PIN 7
    #define INB1PIN 8
    #define PWM1PIN 5
    //Motor 1 pin definitions
    #define INA2PIN 4
    #define INB2PIN 9
    #define PWM2PIN 6
    //H-bridge drive definitions
    #define BRAKEVCC 0
    #define FWD  1 //beware it's depending on your hardware wiring
    #define BWD  2 //beware it's depending on your hardware wiring
    #define STOP BRAKEVCC
    #define BRAKEGND 3
    //PID Parameters
    #define KP 4 //proportional gain
    #define KI 0 //unuszed here
    #define KD 4 //unused here
    #define PWMMAXDEFAULT 255 //max pwm at startup
    #define PIDMILLISDELAY 20 //delay (ms) between PID executions
    #define PWMMINI 15 //minimum value of PWM
    //Potentiometers range
    //to be adjusted to limit the travel (0 - 1023)
    #define RPOTMINI 180
    #define RPOTMAXI 770
    #define LPOTMINI 190
    #define LPOTMAXI 790
    //faster to write
    #define MOTORLEFT 0
    #define MOTORRIGHT 1
    //global variables ================
    int pwmMax = PWMMAXDEFAULT;
    unsigned long pidMillisSchedule;
    char frameBuffer[16] = "R128.";
    unsigned char parserFlag = 0;
    unsigned char frameIndex = 0;
    int frameValue = 0;
    unsigned char newFrame = 0;
    char frameCommand = ' ';
    //target Positions
    int targetLeft = 512; //middle position 0-1023
    int targetRight = 512; //middle position 0-1023
    //potentiometers acquisition and averaging
    unsigned int potLvalue, potRvalue;
    unsigned int potLbuf[16], potRbuf[16];
    uint8_t potIndex = 0;
    // Setup ================
    void setup() {
      // Pins init
      pinMode(INA1PIN, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(INB1PIN, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(PWM1PIN, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(INA2PIN, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(INB2PIN, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(PWM2PIN, OUTPUT);
      // H-bridge braked
      digitalWrite(INA1PIN, LOW);
      digitalWrite(INB1PIN, LOW);
      digitalWrite(INA2PIN, LOW);
      digitalWrite(INB2PIN, LOW);
      // targets init
      frameValue = 128;
      targetRight = map(frameValue, 0, 255, RPOTMINI, RPOTMAXI);
      targetLeft = map(frameValue, 0, 255, LPOTMINI, LPOTMAXI);
      //pid init
      pidMillisSchedule = millis() + PIDMILLISDELAY;
    }// setup() ***************
    // Main Loop ==============
    void loop() {
      serialParser(); //serial protocol management
      if (newFrame) {
        newFrame = false; // acknowledge frame
        switch (frameCommand) {
          case 'R':
            targetRight = map(frameValue, 0, 255, RPOTMINI, RPOTMAXI);
          case 'L':
            targetLeft = map(frameValue, 0, 255, LPOTMINI, LPOTMAXI);
          case 'P':
            pwmMax = frameValue;
        }//switch frameCommand
      }//if newFrame
      // read and average positions
      potRbuf[potIndex] = analogRead(POTRIGHTPIN);//add samples
      potLbuf[potIndex] = analogRead(POTLEFTPIN);
      if (potIndex < 15) potIndex++; else potIndex = 0; //index management
      potLvalue = 0; potRvalue = 0; //averaging
      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        potLvalue += potLbuf[i];
        potRvalue += potRbuf[i];
      }//for i
      potLvalue = potLvalue >> 4;
      potRvalue = potRvalue >> 4;
      if (pidMillisSchedule <= millis()) { //PID executed at this rate
        pidMillisSchedule += PIDMILLISDELAY; //schedule next execution
        motorPID(MOTORRIGHT, potRvalue, targetRight);
        motorPID(MOTORLEFT, potLvalue, targetLeft);
      }//if millis
    } // loop() ************
    // Serial parser: to be called at a periodic rate
    void serialParser() {
      char rxChar; //char received
      if (Serial.available()) {//we work only if char received
        rxChar = Serial.read();
        if (Serial.available() > 20)  {
          frameIndex = 0;
          Serial.flush(); //frame overflow
        }//if serial.available>20
        else {
          switch (parserFlag) {
            case 0: //waiting for start char
              if ((rxChar == 'R') || (rxChar == 'L') || (rxChar == 'P')) {
                frameBuffer[0] = rxChar;
                frameIndex = 1; //one char in buffer
                parserFlag = 1; //start char received
              }// if rxChar
            case 1:
              if (isDigit(rxChar)) {
                frameBuffer[frameIndex] = rxChar; //save received char
                frameIndex ++;
                if (frameIndex > 4) {
                  parserFlag = 0;
                  frameIndex = 0; //frame too long
              } else  {
                if (frameIndex == 1) {
                  parserFlag = 0;
                  frameIndex = 0; //empty frame: we give up
                } else {
                  frameValue = 0;
                  for (int i = 1; i < frameIndex; i++) frameValue = frameValue * 10 + (frameBuffer[i] - 48);
                  frameCommand = frameBuffer[0];
                  parserFlag = 0;
                  frameIndex = 0; //ready for new frame
                  newFrame = 1;
                }//else frameIndex
              }//else isdigit
          }// switch parserFlag
        }//else serial.available>20
      }// if Serial.available
    }// serialParser() ****************
    // Motors PID management: to be called at a fixed rate (~20ms)
    void motorPID(int numMot, int actualPos, int targetPos) {
      int pidError;
      int deriveError;
      static int oldError[2];
      static long integralError[2][8], integralMoy;
      static uint8_t integralIndex = 0;
      int pidOutput;
      unsigned char dir;
      int pwm;
      pidError = targetPos - actualPos;
      deriveError = pidError - oldError[numMot];
      oldError[numMot] = pidError;
      integralError[numMot][integralIndex] = pidError;
      if (integralIndex < 7) integralIndex++; else integralIndex = 0;
      integralMoy = 0;
      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) integralMoy += integralError[numMot][i];
      pidOutput = (pidError * KP) + (deriveError * KD) + (integralMoy / 4 * KI);
      if (pidOutput > 0) {//error positive
        dir = BWD;
        pwm = pidOutput;
      }// if pidOutput>0
      else {//error negative
        dir = FWD;
        pwm = -pidOutput;
      }// if pidOutput<0
      motorDrive(numMot, dir, pwm);
    }//fin motorPID() **************
    //Drive the motor through H-bridge
    void motorDrive(uint8_t motor, uint8_t direct, int pwm) {
      if (motor == 0) {//motor 1
        switch (direct) {
          case BRAKEVCC: //electromagnetic brake : brake VCC
            digitalWrite(INA1PIN, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(INB1PIN, HIGH);
          case BRAKEGND: //Brake Ground (free wheel)
            digitalWrite(INA1PIN, LOW);
            digitalWrite(INB1PIN, LOW);
          case FWD:
            digitalWrite(INA1PIN, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(INB1PIN, LOW);
          case BWD:
            digitalWrite(INA1PIN, LOW);
            digitalWrite(INB1PIN, HIGH);
        }//switch direct
        //clip the PWM
        if (pwm < PWMMINI) pwm = 0; //minimum PWM
        else if (pwm > pwmMax)  pwm = pwmMax;
        analogWrite(PWM1PIN, pwm);
      }//if motor
      else {// motor 2
        switch (direct) {
          case 0: //electromagnetic brake : brake VCC
            digitalWrite(INA2PIN, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(INB2PIN, HIGH);
          case 3: //Brake Ground (free wheel)
            digitalWrite(INA2PIN, LOW);
            digitalWrite(INB2PIN, LOW);
          case 1: // forward : beware it's depending on your hardware wiring
            digitalWrite(INA2PIN, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(INB2PIN, LOW);
          case 2: // Reverse : beware it's depending on your hardware wiring
            digitalWrite(INA2PIN, LOW);
            digitalWrite(INB2PIN, HIGH);
        }//switch direct
        //clip the PWM
        if (pwm < PWMMINI) pwm = 0;
        else if (pwm > pwmMax) pwm = pwmMax;
        analogWrite(PWM2PIN, pwm);
      }//else motor
    }// motorDrive() ******************
  3. jfbegot

    jfbegot New Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    Sete, France
    +3 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    A loooong video here.
    I will post a better one soon...
  4. jfbegot

    jfbegot New Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    Sete, France
    +3 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino

    Formula One at Azure Coast in Project Cars by Rookie driver.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. FoxHound.92

    FoxHound.92 2DOF seat mover Gold Contributor

    Jan 11, 2018
    +30 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    Wow that is some heavy movement right there! :eek:
    If there were no seatbealt he would be thrown around easily!
  6. jfbegot

    jfbegot New Member

    Jan 14, 2018
    Sete, France
    +3 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Yes, the guy on the seat hits the curbs, guardrails and other cars. It is more realistic when you can stay on the track.
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Arta Yasa

    Arta Yasa Member

    Jan 27, 2021
    +14 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    what is the function of the rubber in each corner of your dof sir?